Looking at it at the brighter side of the story. Let us live life for those who were left behind, pick up the bits and pieces and carry on the journey to let the flame continue burning and go on with the advocacies that our beloved, cousin, relative, friend or comrade left behind. Like a seed that we bury, let it sprout, grow and bear fruit for generations to come. We have here pictures of those who, during the last night of mourning, bonded together to renew the tie that binds, blood - while they prepare for the next morning to bringforth Manong Edsel's body back to where it belongs from ashes to ashes dust to dust. We are just but creature of God in transit in this world called life, an instrument of his will to convey whatever mission we have to fulfill to be shared with others.
For all of those present, relatives, in-laws, officemates, friends or foe. To those who journeyed the treacherious terrain of the Cordillera down to Manila, to pay their last respect to their dear friend. To those abroad who sent in words of enligthenment, grief and . . . never mind sorrow. Others who sent messages of sympathy and those who condoled. To our friends at the different groups in yahoo, 360, friendster, multiply, blogspot and others . . . THANK YOU!